
Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011

Three Muses - Steampunk

Für ein Steampunk -Ketting ist diese Karte entstanden. Sie passt zur aktuellen Challenge "Steampunk" bei Three Muses .

Liebe Grüße

13 Kommentare:

  1. Das ist ja wieder der absolute Kracher, tolles Teil hast Du gewerkelt!

  2. I like your interpretation of the challenge. It's full of texture and dinension. Well done! Thanks for joining us this week.

  3. Wahnsinn. Du hast so tolle einzigartige Ideen.

    Liebe Grüße Petra

  4. Lovely! All your textures make it special!!
    Very nice.

  5. A fabulous piece, Kati - I love all the shapes and different textures.

  6. Kati, this is a fabulous interpretation of this week's theme. Bravo.

  7. WOW Kati !!
    What a mind blowing card and I do hope your readers wil ENLARGE it to see al the beautiful steampunk pieces ! Thanks for showing it to us !!
    I see/read that you live in Postdam !! My husband and I have visit it last year when we were in Berlin.
    I would Love to come back because there is so much culture to see !!!

    Herzliche Grüße von einem Nachbarn in den Niederlanden :)


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