Card in a box - Winterpandas
Bei uns spielt das Wetter grad total verrückt, wir hatten diese Woche von zweistelligen Sonnentemperaturen bis Minusgrade und Schnee schon wirklich alles.
Zeit um noch schnell die letzten Winterkarten zu zeigen, die hier noch auf dem Rechner schlummern.
Diese Card-in-a-Box ist zum Thema "Schneeflocken" entstanden.

Und diese winter-Stehkarte hab ich zu meine kleine Nichten einfach nur so gesschickt.

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8 Kommentare:
You don't get cuter than three pandas in a beautiful snowy box! This is a really pretty and delightful card. Thank you for joining the challenge at Allsorts. (The standing card is amazing! I haven't seen that kind before and want to try it. )
Super cute projects! Thanks for playing with us this March at Die Cut Divas.
You have created such a fun winter pop up box, many thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge this week and using the trio option.
B x
I love Pandas and this is so adorable. Thanks so much for taking part at Allsorts challenge this week.
I love box cards for their 3D interactive features and this is a beauty. Fab images, who doesn't love a Panda? Thank you for joining us at the Allsorts Challenge.
What a wonderful card!! Thank you ever so much for sharing at Allsorts this week. Sarah DT
Adorable Panda card. I love all the snowflakes (You can enter the Christmas Kickstart Challenge too - the theme involves scarves).
I think that stand up card is so darn cute. Your niece will love it.
So glad you joined us at Die Cut Divas for our “Anything Goes” challenge.
Wow, das ist ein wunderschönes Kärtchen geworden. Viwlwn Dank für Deine Teilnahme bei Challenge Up your life, LG Michaela
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